Tue, Oct 10, 20171 Root Location
2 Overview
Some AIRS:IASI SNO data ere available from JPL, the remainder are created at ASL.
3 Group Locations:
File names will be of the form: sno_airs_iasi_20130116_frmL1c.mat
4 Matlab Code
4.1 SNO creation:
4.2 Display and Analysis:
5 ASL data:
MAT files are supplied with the following fields:
short name | contents | description |
----------- | --------------- | ----------------------- |
strDate: | '2015/01/01 ' | the date processed |
type: | 'L1C' | AIRS granule data |
iaLst: | [480x1 struct] | IASI granule file list |
arLst: | [240x1 struct] | AIRS granule file list |
sno: | [1x1 struct] | Gelocation Data |
upos: | [69x2 double] | indexes in the file |
iObs: | [8461x69 double] | IASI observation rads |
aObs: | [2645x69 single] | AIRS observation rads |
i2ra: | [2645x69 single] | IASI to AIRS rads |
fi2a: | [2645x1 single] | channel frequencies |
6 Sample plots
6.1 SNO availablility
Current availability plot: