Fancybox Test

L. Larrabee Strow and Sergio De-Souza Machado

1 Links in Hugo using Org-Mode

Org-mod does not know about Hugo, and that is reflected in how org-mode handles links. Here we discuss how to handle links in org-mode. It's a little bit of work, but not that much.

Note that this file is called and contains a lot of formatting to show the source code for doing an org file on this web page. For a more normal example org file, see in the /asl content directory. Note: Hugo copies *.org files to the actual web site, so you can always download the source for a page by removing the trailing \ and adding .org to the URL you are viewing.

2 Blah blah

Code blocks, examples, prose, etc can be done a number of ways, two ways are shown below, see the source code of this document to see how these are done.

#+BEGIN_SRC text
Here is the rendering of an =in-line code block=.  Is was done by
enclosing the code block in =, as shown below where we repeat these
last two sentences.
Here is the rendering of an =in-line code block=.  Is was done by
enclosing the code block in =, as shown below where we repeat these
last two sentences.

Note that the code block rendering will render carriage return, line feeds if they exist.

To render a matlab file (or latex, or html, etc) just use the backticks, and put the language right after the first set of three backticks. I would generally put language of "text" for notes, or if you do not want automatic colorization, etc. I can't figure out how to render a code block inside a code block, so look at the source of this file (/strow/ to see how this works.

% A matlab code snippet
  for i=1:n
    a(i) = fact(i);

If you want to make this look like the Hugo markdown, there is a slightly more complicated way to do the above, shown below and then rendered.

<pre><code class="language-matlab">% A matlab code snippet
      for i=1:n
        a(i) = fact(i);
% A matlab code snippet
      for i=1:n
        a(i) = fact(i);

3 Figures

This document tests fancybox. Sure seems easy.

My caption

4 Math

To include a mathematical formula in-line using org-mode, just use normal latex syntax. Here is some in-line math $a = α × β.$ For latex equations or displaymath just type them in the file as usual:

   \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k} 

which gives,

\begin{equation} \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k}. \end{equation}

5 Lists

Lists work out of the box (enumerated or itemize)

1. Just write a Markdown document, and sprinkle your LaTeX code
   snippets in between.
1. Save the document with an `.md` suffix.
1. Run the Pandoc conversion:
  1. Just write a Markdown document, and sprinkle your LaTeX code snippets in between.
  2. Save the document with an .md suffix.
  3. Run the Pandoc conversion:
- Just write a Markdown document, and sprinkle your LaTeX code
   snippets in between.
- Save the document with an `.md` suffix.
  - nested list
-  Run the Pandoc conversion:
  • Just write a Markdown document, and sprinkle your LaTeX code snippets in between.
  • Save the document with an .md suffix.
    • nested list
  • Run the Pandoc conversion:

There is a css formating bug somewhere that puts in the extra space after a nested list.

6 Tables

Text caption here.

External stuff here????

Text caption here.

Hugo is limited to simple tables, org-mode provides much more flexibility. Here is the Hugo (default markdown) table syntax, followed by it's html rendering. The code block is fancier than it's rendering…

Here is a table using org-mode, followed by the code. Unfortunately, there is a bug in org-mode that doesn't put a carriage-return, line-feed after a left-justified table, so avoid those for now.

Table 1: The table caption
Name Age
Bob 27
Alice 23

The code. If you don't center the table, the rendering goes bad.

#+ATTR_html: :align center :width 200
#+CAPTION: the caption
    Name   |  Age
    Bob    |  27
    Alice  |  23

7 Table of Contents

You can get org-mode to produce your table of contents quite easily, you just have to put the following, #+TOC: headlines 2, on the line right after the #END_EXPORT command in your Hugo configuration sections at the top of the file. The "2" refers to how deep you want the table of contents sectioning.

8 Fenced Matlab Code Block

Here is an example of a Matlab fenced code block. Note, you can do ascii tables inside code block if you like. Looks at the source for this file to see how to do this.

% A matlab code snippet
%   rad2bt - translate radiance to brightness temperature
%   bt = rad2bt(fr, rad);
%   fr  - n-vector of wavenumbers, cm-1
%   rad - n x k array of radiances, mW/m2 per strad
%   bt  - n x k array of brightness temps, K
%   H. Motteler

function bt = rad2bt(fr, rad);

% Constants; values from NIST (CODATA98)
c = 2.99792458e+08;  % speed of light      299 792 458 m s-1
h = 6.62606876e-34;  % Planck constant     6.626 068 76 x 10-34 J s
k = 1.3806503e-23;   % Boltzmann constant  1.380 6503 x 10-23 J K-1

% Compute radiation constants c1 and c2
c1 = 2*h*c*c * 1e+11;
c2 = (h*c/k) * 100;

% the scalar calculation, for reference
% bt = c2 * fr / log(1 + c1 * fr^3 / rad)

% LLS cut a bunch out here!

% do the vectorized calculation
bt = c2 * (fr * ones(1,j)) ./ log(1 + c1 * (fr.^3 * ones(1,j)) ./ rad);

% restore rad original shape
bt = reshape(bt, d2);

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