AIRS Gas Cell Tests

CO2 in transfer optics during recording of SRF with Bruker

We have computed spectra for 10 torr of carbon dioxide in the transfer optics for a variety of spectral resolutions. A Gaussian was used for the Bruker SRF for simplicity and speed just to indicate how the spectra will vary as the Bruker spectral resolution varies.

We have supplied graphics files and ascii files with the transmission data.

4.3 micron plot for ~1 cm OPD
4.3 micron data for ~1 cm OPD
4.3 micron plot for ~3 cm OPD
4.3 micron data for ~3 cm OPD
15 micron plot for ~3 cm OPD
15 micron data for ~3 cm OPD

Simulated AIRS gascell spectra for 5 torr pure CO2, 1.5m, 296K

The nominal PDR (May'96) SRFs have been used for the convolutions. plot of 5 torr spectra