Readme file for weighting function data files This file afgl1to6_5ang_wf.mat has weighting function for the 6 Air Force Geophysics Lab profiles In order, these are: 1=Tropical 2=mid-latitude summer 3=mid-latitude winter 4=sub-polar summer 5=sub-polar winter 6=US Standard The weighting functions are computed for 5 viewing angles: 0,12,24,36,48 degrees. So there is a total of 30 weighting function. The outer/slow index loop is angle, the inner/fast index loop is profile. Start up matlab and do the following --- load afgl1to6_5ang_wf.mat whos --- This will load the file and show you what it contains. To plot the weighting functions you can do something like the following --- for ic=1:2378 plot(squeeze(wf(:,ic,1))),title(int2str(ic)) pause end --- This will loop over the 2378 channels and plot the weighting function for each in turn (for the first profile at the first angle). Hit any key to advance to the next channel. The wf has 100 layers, but the surface is at layer index 97 so the wf in last 3 layers is always 0. The layer mean altitude can be computed as --- zmean = 0.5*(altall(1:100,:) + altall(2:101,:)); pmean = 0.5*(prof.plevs(1:100,:) + prof.plevs(2:101,:)); --- See the matlab help for fopen, fclose and fwrite if you want to write the data to simple binary files. If would work something like this --- fid = fopen('z.dat','w','native'); for ipa=1:30 fwrite(fid,zmean(1:100,ipa),'float32'); end fclose(fid); % fid = fopen('wf.dat','w','native'); for ipa=1:30 for ic=1:2378 fwrite(fid,wf(1:100,ic,ipa),'float32'); end end fclose(fid); --- This file afgl1to6_5ang_rad.mat has the AFGL profiles. Most of the data is in "prof". The most useful items are: prof.scanang = angle prof.plat = latitude prof.rcalc = radiance prof.ptemp = temperature prof.gas_1 = water vapor head.vchan = channel freqs %%% end of file %%%