Scott Hannon, 04 Octeber 2007 -----------------water band tuning file (not recommended)--------------------- tunmlt_exper2.txt These jpeg plots show the effects of this tuning. Better in some ways, worse in others. bias_iasitunedx2_vs_airs.jpg bias_iasi_tunedx2_vs_untuned.jpg bias_vs_bt_airs_iasitunedx2.jpg bias_vs_bt_airs_iasiuntuned.jpg ------------Latitude binned obs-cal bias and stddev files----------------- All these stats files are for obs-cal using nearest ECMWF profile. may=17-31 May 2007 jun=1-25 June 2007 mayjun=both the above AIRS v4 fast model stats8lat_may07_u.mat AIRS v5 fast model no tuning except water continuum (and nonLTE) gs8lat_airs_dec05wcononly_mayjun2007.mat Same with "w" adjustment for water and SST (using 2616 cm^-1 region) gs8lat_wairs_dec05wcononly_mayjun2007.mat Same with "xw" variant adjustment for water and SST (using 960 cm^-1 region) gs8lat_xwairs_dec05wcononly_mayjun2007.mat IASI gstats8lat_iasi_pt1_may2007.mat gstats8lat_iasi_pt1_mayjun2007.mat gstats8lat_iasi_pt2_may2007.mat gstats8lat_iasi_pt2_mayjun2007.mat IASI with "w" adjustment for water and SST (using 960 cm^-1 region) gstats8lat_wiasi_pt1_mayjun2007.mat gstats8lat_wiasi_pt2_mayjun2007.mat NOTE: do not use w" adjusted bias/stddev files inside the water band. The water profile was scaled to improve the lower trop (ie window and weak water channels) without any regard for how the adjustment affected the mid/upper trop water channels. ---end of file---