%----Need full path so tth picks up my shorthand definitions
\input /usr/local/teTeX/tex/latex/LLS_Custom/ASL_defs
%----Defines \tthonly \tthonlyhtml \texonly + set page background white
\input /usr/local/teTeX/tex/latex/LLS_Custom/tthasl
%----Make float placement less restrictive
%----Keep the top/bottom margins very small so 2 graphs/page
\title{\textsf{AIRS SRF/Gas Cell Work Page at UMBC}}
\author{L. Strow}\date{\today}
The links below are to various reports/graphs associated with
producing the AIRS Spectral Response Functions (SRFs). All of this
data is preliminary and can only be used or referenced by members of
the AIRS team.
\section{Gas Cell Measurement Data/Documents}
\section{SRF Data/Documents}
\subsection{Raw SRF Plots Rendered as Images}
\item \href{Test 386}{/asl/www/pub/strow/airs/srf/t386/srf386.html}