Swath Name = "L2_Support_atmospheric&surface_product"
Level = "level2"
# Footprints = 30
# scanlines per scanset = 1
The names "GeoTrack" and "GeoXTrack" have a special meaning for this document: "Cross-Track" data fields have a hidden dimension of "GeoXTrack"; "Along-Track" data fields have a hidden dimension of "GeoTrack"; "Full Swath Data Fields have hidden dimensions of both "GeoTrack" and "GeoXTrack".
Name | Value | Explanation |
GeoXTrack | 30 | Dimension across track for footprint positions. Same as number of footprints per scanline. |
GeoTrack | # of scan lines in swath | Dimension along track for footprint positions. Same as number of scanlines in granule. (Nominally 45 for Level-2, AMSU, and AIRS/Vis low-rate engineering; 135 for AIRS/Vis and HSB high-rate quantities) |
StdPressureLev | 28 | Number of standard pressure altitude levels (from bottom of the atmosphere up) |
StdPressureLay | 28 | Number of standard pressure altitude layers (Always equal to StdPressureLev: last layer goes from level 1 to the top of the atmosphere) |
AIRSXTrack | 3 | The number of AIRS cross-track spots per AMSU |
AIRSTrack | 3 | The number of AIRS along-track spots per AMSU |
Cloud | 2 | Maximum number of cloud layers detected |
ChanAMSUA | 15 | Number of AMSU-A Channels |
ChanHSB | 5 | Number of HSB Channels |
MWHingeSurf | 7 | Number of standard frequency hinge points in Microwave surface emissivity |
XtraPressureLev | 100 | Number of pressure altitude layers in high vertical resolution support products (from top of the atmosphere down) |
XtraPressureLay | 100 | Number of pressure altitude layers in high vertical resolution support products (Always equal to XtraressureLev: first layer goes from the top of the atmosphere to level 1) |
HingeCloud | 7 | Number of frequency hinge points in cloud emissivity |
VisXTrack | 8 | The number of Vis cross-track spots per AIRS |
VisTrack | 9 | The number of Vis along-track spots per AIRS |
VChn | 4 | The number of Visible channels |
ScoresBand | 10 | The number of IR frequency bands for which Initial_CC_subscores are calculated. Band limits are (in cm^-1): 645., 704., 800., 1000., 1200., 2200., 2304., 2382., 2390., 2400., 2600. |
Name | Explanation |
Latitude | Footprint boresight Latitude in degrees North (-90.0 ... 90.0) |
Longitude | Footprint boresight Longitude in degrees East (-180.0 ... 180.0) |
Time | Footprint "shutter" TAI Time: floating-point elapsed seconds since Jan 1, 1993 |
Name | Type | Extra Dimensions | Explanation |
processing_level | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting processing level ("level2") |
instrument | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting instrument ("AIRS") |
DayNightFlag | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting granule as day and/or night: (Always "Day", "Night", or "Both") |
AutomaticQAFlag | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting granule data quality: (Always "Passed", "Failed", or "Suspect") |
NumTotalData | 32-bit integer | None | Total number of expected data points |
NumProcessData | 32-bit integer | None | Number of data points which are present and can be processed routinely (state = 0) |
NumSpecialData | 32-bit integer | None | Number of data points which are present and can be processed only as a special test (state = 1) |
NumBadData | 32-bit integer | None | Number of data points which are present but cannot be processed (state = 2) |
NumMissingData | 32-bit integer | None | Number of expected data points which are not present (state = 3) |
NumLandSurface | 32-bit integer | None | Number of data points for which the surface is more than 90% land |
NumOceanSurface | 32-bit integer | None | Number of data points for which the surface is less than 10% land |
node_type | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting whether granule is ascending, descending, or pole-crossing: ("Ascending" and "Descending" for entirely ascending or entirely descending granules, or "NorthPole" or "SouthPole" for pole-crossing granules) |
start_year | 32-bit integer | None | Year in which granule started, UTC (e.g. 1999) |
start_month | 32-bit integer | None | Month in which granule started, UTC (1 ... 12) |
start_day | 32-bit integer | None | Day of month in which granule started, UTC (1 ... 31) |
start_hour | 32-bit integer | None | Hour of day in which granule started, UTC (0 ... 23) |
start_minute | 32-bit integer | None | Minute of hour in which granule started, UTC (0 ... 59) |
start_sec | 32-bit floating-point | None | Second of minute in which granule started, UTC (0.0 ... 59.0) |
start_orbit | 32-bit integer | None | Orbit number of mission in which granule started |
end_orbit | 32-bit integer | None | Orbit number of mission in which granule ended |
orbit_path | 32-bit integer | None | Orbit path of start orbit (1 ... 233? as defined by EOS project) |
granule_number | 32-bit integer | None | Number of granule within orbit (1 ... 17?) |
num_scansets | 32-bit integer | None | Number of scansets in granule (1 ... 45) |
num_scanlines | 32-bit integer | None | Number of scanlines in granule (1 * num_scansets) |
start_Latitude | 64-bit floating-point | None | Latitude of spacecraft at start of granule |
start_Longitude | 64-bit floating-point | None | Longitude of spacecraft at start of granule |
start_Time | 64-bit floating-point | None | TAI Time at start of granule |
end_Latitude | 64-bit floating-point | None | Latitude of spacecraft at end of granule |
end_Longitude | 64-bit floating-point | None | Longitude of spacecraft at end of granule |
end_Time | 64-bit floating-point | None | TAI Time at end of granule |
eq_x_longitude | 32-bit floating-point | None | Longitude of spacecraft at southward equator crossing nearest granule start |
eq_x_tai | 64-bit floating-point | None | Time of eq_x_longitude in TAI units |
orbitgeoqa | 32-bit integer | None | Orbit Geolocation QA: bit 0 (LSB): bad input value (last scanline); bit 1: bad input value (first scanline); bit 2: PGS_EPH_GetEphMet() returned PGSEPH_E_NO_SC_EPHEM_FILE; bit 3: PGS_EPH_GetEphMet() returned PGSEPH_E_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE; bit 4: PGS_EPH_GetEphMet() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_FMT_ERROR; bit 5: PGS_EPH_GetEphMet() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_VALUE_ERROR; bit 6: PGS_EPH_GetEphMet() returned PGSTD_E_SC_TAG_UNKNOWN; bit 7: PGS_EPH_GetEphMet() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 8: PGS_TD_UTCtoTAI() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 9: PGS_TD_UTCtoTAI() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_FMT_ERROR; bit 10: PGS_TD_UTCtoTAI() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_VALUE_ERROR; bit 11: PGS_TD_UTCtoTAI() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 12: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 13: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCSC_E_INVALID_LIMITTAG; bit 14: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCSC_E_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE; bit 15: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCSC_W_ERROR_IN_DAYNIGHT; bit 16: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCSC_W_BAD_TRANSFORM_VALUE; bit 17: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCSC_W_BELOW_HORIZON; bit 18: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCSC_W_PREDICTED_UT1; bit 19: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSTD_E_NO_UT1_VALUE; bit 20: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSTD_E_BAD_INITIAL_TIME; bit 21: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCBP_E_TIME_OUT_OF_RANGE; bit 22: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSCBP_E_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE; bit 22: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGSMEM_E_NO_MEMORY; bit 24: PGS_CSC_DayNight() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 25-31: not used |
num_satgeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Number of scans with problems in satgeoqa |
num_glintgeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Number of scans with problems in glintgeoqa |
num_moongeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Number of scans with problems in moongeoqa |
num_ftptgeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Number of footprints with problems in ftptgeoqa |
num_zengeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Number of footprints with problems in zengeoqa |
num_demgeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Number of footprints with problems in demgeoqa |
num_fpe | 16-bit integer | None | Number of floating point errors |
LonGranuleCen | 16-bit integer | None | Longitude of the center of the granule in degrees (-180 ... 180) |
LatGranuleCen | 16-bit integer | None | Latitude of the center of the granule in degrees (-90 ... 90) |
LocTimeGranuleCen | 16-bit integer | None | Local time at the center of the granule in minutes past midnight (0 ... 1439) |
versionFormat | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of format (VnnRxxx) |
versionRetrieval | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of Total retrieval (VnnRxxx) |
versionMW_Ret | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of Microwave-only retrieval (VnnRxxx) |
versionVis_Ret | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of Visible retrieval algorithms (VnnRxxx) |
versionFirst_Ret | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of Initial Retrieval (VnnRxxx) |
versionFinal_Ret | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of Final Retrieval (VnnRxxx) |
versionTuning | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of Tuning (VnnRxxx) |
versionCloudClear | string of 8-bit characters | None | Zero-terminated character string denoting version of cloud clearing (VnnRxxx) |
pressSupp | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLev (= 100) | Support pressures (lower boundary) in mb |
rhoVisErr | 8-bit integer | VChn (= 4) | Error estimate for rhoVis |
num_invalid | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where invalid is True |
num_clear_flag | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints 100% clear |
num_MW_ret_used | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where MW-only final retrieval used |
num_retrieval_type | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints without full retrieval |
num_bad_l1b | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Level 2 process not allowed due to bad level 1b data |
num_bad_l1b_amsu | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Bad AMSU-A level 1b data |
num_bad_l1b_hsb | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Bad HSB level 1b data |
num_bad_l1b_airs | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Bad AIRS level 1b data |
num_bad_l1b_vis | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Bad VIS level 1b data |
num_forecast | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Complete forecast guess was used |
num_no_psurf_guess | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where No surface pressure was available. Topography was used for surf press |
num_bad_temps | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with invalid temp and surface skin temp |
num_bad_h2o | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with invalid water vapor profile |
num_bad_o3 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with invalid ozone profile |
num_bad_clouds | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with invalid cloud parameters |
num_bad_low_atm | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with invalid result below 100 mb |
num_no_tuning | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Standard br temp tuning NOT applied |
num_no_ang_corr | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Standard angle correction NOT applied |
num_no_mw | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with MW only retrieval not attempted |
num_no_initial | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with First retrieval not attempted |
num_no_final | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Final retrieval not attempted |
num_mw_fpe | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with floating-point exception in MW retrieval step |
num_initial_fpe | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with floating-point exception in Initial retrieval step |
num_final_fpe | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with floating-point exception in Final retrieval step |
num_MWPrecip | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Precipitation was detected over 0.5 mm/hr |
num_precipAA4 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero precipitation correction in AMSU-A channel 4 |
num_precipAA5 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero precipitation correction in AMSU-A channel 5 |
num_precipAA6 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero precipitation correction in AMSU-A channel 6 |
num_precipAA7 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero precipitation correction in AMSU-A channel 7 |
num_precipAA8 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero precipitation correction in AMSU-A channel 8 |
num_precipAA9 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero precipitation correction in AMSU-A channel 9 |
stat_aa4_precip_corr | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of precipitation correction for AMSU-A channel 4 (Kelvins) |
stat_aa5_precip_corr | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of precipitation correction for AMSU-A channel 5 (Kelvins) |
stat_aa6_precip_corr | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of precipitation correction for AMSU-A channel 6 (Kelvins) |
stat_aa7_precip_corr | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of precipitation correction for AMSU-A channel 7 (Kelvins) |
stat_aa8_precip_corr | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of precipitation correction for AMSU-A channel 8 (Kelvins) |
stat_aa9_precip_corr | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of precipitation correction for AMSU-A channel 9 (Kelvins) |
stat_rain_rate | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of rain rate (mm/hr) |
stat_MWsurf_R0 | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of internal adjustment parameter -- surface R0 |
stat_MWsurf_T0 | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of internal adjustment parameter -- surface T0 |
stat_MWsurf_Tinf | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of internal adjustment parameter -- surface Tinfinity |
stat_MWseaice_conc | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of ice or snow concentration (0-1) |
stat_MWresidual_temp | Limited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of sum of squares of temperature residuals normalized by channel sensitivities |
stat_MWresidual_mois | Limited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of sum of squares of moisture residuals normalized by channel sensitivities |
stat_MWresidual_AMSUA | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | ChanAMSUA (= 15) | Statistics of Brightness temperature residual for each AMSU-A channel (Kelvin) |
stat_MWresidual_HSB | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | ChanHSB (= 5) | Statistics of brightness temperature residual for each HSB channel (Kelvin) |
stat_MWiter_temp | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of # of iterations of the temperature profile |
stat_MWiter_mois | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of # of iterations of the moisture profile |
num_mw_ret_code | 16-bit integer | None | Return code status of MW retrieval not zero |
num_cloud_ice | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Scattering by cloud ice present in FOV |
num_icc_too_cloudy | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Initial cloud clearing pass too cloudy |
num_icc_low_contrast | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Initial cloud clearing pass contrast too low |
num_icc_bad_rad | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Initial cloud clearing pass cloud cleared radiances don't match clear guess - reject the IR retrieval |
stat_icc_percent_cld | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of Initial cloud clearing cloudy percent |
stat_icc_contrast | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of Initial cloud clearing contrast (units?) |
num_bad_1st | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where The initial retrieval failed |
num_bad_1st_cc | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where The first cloud clearing failed |
num_bad_1st_regres | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where The regression guess failed |
num_bad_1st_phys | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where The first physical retrieval failed |
num_fcc_too_cloudy | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Final cloud clearing pass too cloudy |
num_fcc_low_contrast | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Final cloud clearing pass contrast too low |
num_fcc_bad_rad | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Final cloud clearing pass cloud cleared radiances don't match clear guess - reject the IR retrieval |
stat_fcc_percent_cld1 | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of Final cloud clearing cloudy percent pass 1 |
stat_fcc_percent_cld2 | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of Final cloud clearing cloudy percent pass 2 |
stat_fcc_contrast1 | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of Final cloud clearing contrast (units?) pass 1 |
stat_fcc_contrast2 | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of Final cloud clearing contrast (units?) pass 2 |
num_bad_final | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Final retrieval failed |
num_bad_final_cc | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where final cloud clearing failed |
num_bad_final_ir | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where final IR retrieval failed |
num_bad_final_surf | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where final surface ret failed |
num_bad_final_temp | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where final temp ret failed |
num_bad_final_h2o | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where final water vapor ret failed |
num_bad_final_o3 | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where final ozone ret failed |
num_bad_final_cloud | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where final cloud ret failed |
num_bad_cc_cld_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Cloud clearing and cloud ret are inconsistent |
num_MW_IR_ret_differ | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where Microwave and IR temperature retrieval differ too much - reject final IR retrieval |
num_bad_MW_low_resid | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Microwave residuals in lower atmosphere too large - reject final IR retrieval |
stat_MW_low_atm_resid | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of MW residual for lower atmosphere after final retrieval |
num_final_AMSU_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_AMSU_ret |
num_final_HSB_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_HSB_ret |
num_final_cloud_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_cloud_ret |
num_final_surf_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_surf_ret |
num_final_temp_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_temp_ret |
num_final_h2o_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_h2o_ret |
num_final_o3_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_o3_ret |
num_final_ch4_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_ch4_ret |
num_final_co_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_co_ret |
num_final_co2_ret | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with nonzero final_co2_ret |
num_low_sun | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with solar zenith angle > 60 degrees |
num_wide_ang | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with viewing angle at center of AIRS spot > 50 degrees |
num_vis_glint | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Sun glint condition |
num_bad_vis_rad | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Vis/NIR radiance out of range |
num_bad_vis_cal | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Vis/NIR calibration data old or invalid |
num_bad_vis_det_temp | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Vis/NIR Detector temperature out of range |
num_bad_scan_hd_temp | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Scan Head Assembly temperature out of range |
num_bad_vis_cld_det | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Cloud detection failed |
num_bad_vis_cld_hgt | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Cloud height failed |
num_bad_ref_NDVI | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Bad reference Normalized Differential Vegetation Index |
num_bad_vis_var | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Variability index invalid |
num_vis_clear | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints where at least 98% of FOV is Clear sky |
num_vis_cloudy | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Clouds in at leat 80% of Vis/NIR pixels of FOV |
num_vis_low_cloud | 16-bit integer | None | # of footprints with Low Clouds in at leat 80% of Vis/NIR pixels of FOV |
stat_Initial_CC_score | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | None | Statistics of Indicator of how well the initial cloud-cleared radiances match radiances reconstructed from clear eigenvectors. (0.0 for a perfect match; <3.0 for a pretty good match; >10.0 indicates a major problem) |
stat_Initial_CC_subscores | Unlimited Engineering Struct (see below) | ScoresBand (= 10) | Statistics of Sub-scores contributing to Initial_CC_score, by frequency band |
DCRCount | 32-bit integer | None | Number of times a Direct Current Restore was executed for any module |
PopCount | 32-bit integer | None | Number of popcorn events within granule, i.e. number of times than an AIRS channel used in the Level 2 retrieval has suffered a sudden discontinuity in dark current |
VISDarkAMSUFOVCount | 32-bit integer | None | Number of AMSU-A footprints that are uniformly dark in the level-1B VIS/NIR and are thus likely to be uniformly clear |
VISBrightAMSUFOVCount | 32-bit integer | None | Number of AMSU-A footprints that are uniformly bright in the level-1B VIS/NIR and are thus likely to be uniformly cloudy |
MoonInViewMWCount | 32-bit integer | None | Number of scanlines in granule with the moon in the Microwave space view |
Name | Type | Extra Dimensions | Explanation |
satheight | 32-bit floating-point | None | Satellite altitude at nadirTAI in km above reference ellipsoid (e.g. 725.2) |
satroll | 32-bit floating-point | None | Satellite attitude roll angle at nadirTAI (-180.0 ... 180.0 angle about the +x (roll) ORB axis, +x axis is positively oriented in the direction of orbital flight completing an orthogonal triad with y and z.) |
satpitch | 32-bit floating-point | None | Satellite attitude pitch angle at nadirTAI (-180.0 ... 180.0 angle about +y (pitch) ORB axis. +y axis is oriented normal to the orbit plane with the positive sense opposite to that of the orbit's angular momentum vector H.) |
satyaw | 32-bit floating-point | None | Satellite attitude yaw angle at nadirTAI (-180.0 ... 180.0 angle about +z (yaw) axis. +z axis is positively oriented earthward parallel to the satellite radius vector R from the spacecraft center of mass to the center of the Earth.) |
satgeoqa | 32-bit integer | None | Satellite Geolocation QA flags: bit 0 (LSB): bad input value; bit 1: PGS_TD_TAItoUTC() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 2: PGS_TD_TAItoUTC() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 3: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSEPH_W_BAD_EPHEM_VALUE; bit 4: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSEPH_E_BAD_EPHEM_FILE_HDR; bit 5: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSEPH_E_NO_SC_EPHEM_FILE; bit 6: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSEPH_E_NO_DATA_REQUESTED; bit 7: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSTD_E_SC_TAG_UNKNOWN; bit 8: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSEPH_E_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE; bit 9: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_FMT_ERROR; bit 10: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_VALUE_ERROR; bit 11: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 12: PGS_EPH_EphemAttit() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 13: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGSCSC_W_BAD_TRANSFORM_VALUE; bit 14: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGSCSC_E_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE; bit 15: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 16: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_FMT_ERROR; bit 17: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_VALUE_ERROR; bit 18: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGSCSC_W_PREDICTED_UT1; bit 19: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGSTD_E_NO_UT1_VALUE; bit 20: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 21: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned PGSCSC_W_TOO_MANY_ITERS; bit 22: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned PGSCSC_W_INVALID_ALTITUDE; bit 23: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned PGSCSC_W_SPHERE_BODY; bit 24: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned PGSCSC_W_LARGE_FLATTENING; bit 25: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned PGSCSC_W_DEFAULT_EARTH_MODEL; bit 26: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned PGSCSC_E_BAD_EARTH_MODEL; bit 27: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 28-31: not used |
glintgeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Glint Geolocation QA flags: bit 0 (LSB): bad input value; bit 1: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_W_EARTH_CB_ID; bit 2: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_INVALID_CB_ID; bit 3: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSTD_E_BAD_INITIAL_TIME; bit 4: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE; bit 5: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE; bit 6: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_TIME_OUT_OF_RANGE; bit 7: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 8: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_W_BAD_CB_VECTOR; bit 9: PGS_CBP_Earth_CB_Vector() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 10: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned any 'W' class return code (for Glint); bit 11: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned any 'E' class return code (for Glint); bit 12: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned any 'W' class return code (for Glint); bit 13: PGS_CSC_ECRtoGEO() returned any 'E' class return code (for Glint); bit 14: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned any 'W' class return code (for Sun); bit 15: PGS_CSC_ECItoECR() returned any 'E' class return code (for Sun) |
moongeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Moon Geolocation QA flags: bit 0: bad input value; bit 1: PGS_TD_TAItoUTC() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 2: PGS_TD_TAItoUTC() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 3: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSCSC_W_BELOW_SURFACE; bit 4: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_W_BAD_CB_VECTOR; bit 5: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE; bit 6: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_INVALID_CB_ID; bit 7: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSMEM_E_NO_MEMORY; bit 8: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE; bit 9: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSTD_E_BAD_INITIAL_TIME; bit 10: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSCBP_E_TIME_OUT_OF_RANGE; bit 11: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSTD_E_SC_TAG_UNKNOWN; bit 12: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSEPH_E_BAD_EPHEM_FILE_HDR; bit 13: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGSEPH_E_NO_SC_EPHEM_FILE; bit 14: PGS_CBP_Sat_CB_Vector() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 15: not used |
nadirTAI | 64-bit floating-point | None | TAI time at which instrument is nominally looking directly down. (between footprints 15 & 16 for AMSU or between footprints 45 & 46 for AIRS/Vis & HSB) |
sat_lat | 64-bit floating-point | None | Satellite latitude in degrees (-90.0 ... 90.0) |
sat_lon | 64-bit floating-point | None | Satellite longitude in degrees (-180.0 ... 180.0) |
scan_node_type | 8-bit integer | None | 'A' for ascending, 'D' for descending, 'N' for North-Polar, 'S' for South-Polar |
glintlat | 32-bit floating-point | None | Solar glint latitude in degrees at nadirTAI (-90.0 ... 90.0) |
glintlon | 32-bit floating-point | None | Solar glint longitude in degrees at nadirTAI (-180.0 ... 180.0) |
Name | Type | Extra Dimensions | Explanation |
ftptgeoqa | 32-bit integer | None | Footprint Geolocation QA flags: bit 0 (LSB): bad input value; bit 1: PGS_TD_TAItoUTC() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 2: PGS_TD_TAItoUTC() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 3: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_MISS_EARTH; bit 4: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSTD_E_SC_TAG_UNKNOWN; bit 5: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_ZERO_PIXEL_VECTOR; bit 6: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_BAD_EPH_FOR_PIXEL; bit 7: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_INSTRUMENT_OFF_BOARD; bit 8: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_BAD_ACCURACY_FLAG; bit 9: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_E_BAD_ARRAY_SIZE; bit 10: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_DEFAULT_EARTH_MODEL; bit 11: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_DATA_FILE_MISSING; bit 12: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_E_NEG_OR_ZERO_RAD; bit 13: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSMEM_E_NO_MEMORY; bit 14: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSTD_E_NO_LEAP_SECS; bit 15: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_FMT_ERROR; bit 16: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSTD_E_TIME_VALUE_ERROR; bit 17: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSCSC_W_PREDICTED_UT1; bit 18: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSTD_E_NO_UT1_VALUE; bit 19: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 20: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSEPH_E_BAD_EPHEM_FILE_HDR; bit 21: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned PGSEPH_E_NO_SC_EPHEM_FILE; bit 22-31: not used |
zengeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Satellite zenith Geolocation QA flags: bit 0 (LSB): (Spacecraft) bad input value; bit 1: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(S/C) returned PGSCSC_W_BELOW_HORIZON; bit 2: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(S/C) returned PGSCSC_W_UNDEFINED_AZIMUTH; bit 3: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(S/C) returned PGSCSC_W_NO_REFRACTION; bit 4: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(S/C) returned PGSCSC_E_INVALID_VECTAG; bit 5: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(S/C) returned PGSCSC_E_LOOK_PT_ALTIT_RANGE; bit 6: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(S/C) returned PGSCSC_E_ZERO_INPUT_VECTOR; bit 7: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(S/C) returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT; bit 8: (Sun) bad input value; bit 9: (suppressed) PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(Sun) returned PGSCSC_W_BELOW_HORIZON (This is not an error condition - the sun is below the horizon at night); bit 10: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(Sun) returned PGSCSC_W_UNDEFINED_AZIMUTH; bit 11: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(Sun) returned PGSCSC_W_NO_REFRACTION; bit 12: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(Sun) returned PGSCSC_E_INVALID_VECTAG; bit 13: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(Sun) returned PGSCSC_E_LOOK_PT_ALTIT_RANGE; bit 14: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(Sun) returned PGSCSC_E_ZERO_INPUT_VECTOR; bit 15: PGS_CSC_ZenithAzimuth(Sun) returned PGS_E_TOOLKIT |
demgeoqa | 16-bit integer | None | Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Geolocation QA flags: bit 0 (LSB): bad input value; bit 1: Could not allocate memory; bit 2: Too close to North or South pole. Excluded; bit 3: Layer resolution incompatibility. Excluded; bit 4: Any DEM Routine (elev) returned PGSDEM_E_IMPROPER_TAG; bit 5: Any DEM Routine (elev) returned PGSDEM_E_CANNOT_ACCESS_DATA; bit 6: Any DEM Routine (land/water) returned PGSDEM_E_IMPROPER_TAG; bit 7: Any DEM Routine (land/water) returned PGSDEM_E_CANNOT_ACCESS_DATA; bit 8: Reserved for future layers; bit 9: Reserved for future layers; bit 10: PGS_DEM_GetRegion(elev) returned PGSDEM_M_FILLVALUE_INCLUDED; bit 11: PGS_DEM_GetRegion(land/water) returned PGSDEM_M_FILLVALUE_INCLUDED; bit 12: Reserved for future layers; bit 13: PGS_DEM_GetRegion(all) returned PGSDEM_M_MULTIPLE_RESOLUTIONS; bit 14: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned any 'W' class return code; bit 15: PGS_CSC_GetFOV_Pixel() returned any 'E' class return code |
satzen | 32-bit floating-point | None | Spacecraft zenith angle (0.0 ... 180.0 degrees from zenith GEO) |
satazi | 32-bit floating-point | None | Spacecraft azimuth angle (-180.0 ... 180.0 degrees E of N GEO) |
solzen | 32-bit floating-point | None | Solar zenith angle (0.0 ... 180.0 degrees from zenith GEO) |
solazi | 32-bit floating-point | None | Solar azimuth angle (-180.0 ... 180.0 degrees E of N GEO) |
sun_glint_distance | 16-bit integer | None | Distance (km) from footprint center to location of the sun glint |
topog | 32-bit floating-point | None | Mean topography in meters above reference ellipsoid |
topog_err | 32-bit floating-point | None | Error estimate for topog |
landFrac | 32-bit floating-point | None | Fraction of spot that is land (0.0 ... 1.0) |
landFrac_err | 32-bit floating-point | None | Error estimate for landFrac |
latAIRS | 32-bit floating-point | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | center latitude of AIRS spots |
lonAIRS | 32-bit floating-point | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | center longitude of AIRS spots |
PrecipAA4 | 8-bit integer | None | Relative interference (0-2, 3=indeterminate) of precipitation on AMSU-A channel 4 (-1/255 for unknown) |
PrecipAA5 | 8-bit integer | None | Relative interference (0-2, 3=indeterminate) of precipitation on AMSU-A channel 5 (-1/255 for unknown) |
PrecipAA6 | 8-bit integer | None | Relative interference (0-2, 3=indeterminate) of precipitation on AMSU-A channel 6 (-1/255 for unknown) |
PrecipAA7 | 8-bit integer | None | Relative interference (0-2, 3=indeterminate) of precipitation on AMSU-A channel 7 (-1/255 for unknown) |
PrecipAA8 | 8-bit integer | None | Relative interference (0-2, 3=indeterminate) of precipitation on AMSU-A channel 8 (-1/255 for unknown) |
PrecipAA9 | 8-bit integer | None | Relative interference (0-2, 3=indeterminate) of precipitation on AMSU-A channel 9 (-1/255 for unknown) |
AMSU_A_4_Precip_Corr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Correction to AMSU-A channel 4 for precipitation effects (Kelvins) |
AMSU_A_5_Precip_Corr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Correction to AMSU-A channel 5 for precipitation effects (Kelvins) |
AMSU_A_6_Precip_Corr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Correction to AMSU-A channel 6 for precipitation effects (Kelvins) |
AMSU_A_7_Precip_Corr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Correction to AMSU-A channel 7 for precipitation effects (Kelvins) |
AMSU_A_8_Precip_Corr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Correction to AMSU-A channel 8 for precipitation effects (Kelvins) |
AMSU_A_9_Precip_Corr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Correction to AMSU-A channel 9 for precipitation effects (Kelvins) |
rain_rate | 32-bit floating-point | None | Rain rate (mm/hr) |
MWSurfClass | 8-bit integer | None | Surface class from MW: 0 for coastline; 1 for land; 2 for ocean; 3 for first-year sea-ice; 4 for multi-year sea-ice; 5 for snow; 6 for glacier; -1/255 for unknown; more TBD |
PSurfStd | 32-bit floating-point | None | Surface pressure in mb |
nSurfSup | 32-bit integer | None | Index of first pressure level above mean surface (90 ... 100) |
TSurfStd | 32-bit floating-point | None | Surface skin temperature in Kelvins |
TSurfAir | 32-bit floating-point | None | Surface air temperature in Kelvins |
TAirSup | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLev (= 100) | Air temperature in Kelvins |
H2OCDSup | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Layer column water vapor (molecules / cm**2) |
lwCDSup | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Layer column liquid water (molecules / cm**2) |
lwCDSupErr | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Error estimate for lwCDSup |
cIWSup | 32-bit integer | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Cloud Ice/Water flag (liquid = 0 / Ice = 1) |
O3CDSup | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Layer column ozone in molecules per cm**2 |
COCDSup | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Layer column carbon monoxide in molecules per cm**2 |
CO2ppmv | 32-bit floating-point | None | Column averaged dry carbon dioxide volumetric mixing ratio (ppmv) |
CH4CDSup | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Layer column methane (in molecules per cm**2) |
COCDSupErr | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Error estimate for COCDSup |
CO2ppmvErr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Error estimate for co2qppmv |
CH4CDSupErr | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Error estimate for CH4CDSup |
numHingeCloud | 16-bit integer | None | Number of hinge points for cloud emissivity and reflectivity |
olr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Outgoing Longwave Radiation Flux integrated over 2 to 2800 cm**-1 (Watts/m**2) |
clrolr | 32-bit floating-point | None | Clear-sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation Flux integrated over 2 to 2800 cm**-1 (Watts/m**2) |
cldFreq | 32-bit floating-point | Cloud (= 2) * HingeCloud (= 7) | Frequencies for cloud emissivity and reflectivity (in order of increasing pressure. Only first numCloud elements are valid) (in order of increasing frequency. Only first numHingeCloud elements are valid) |
CldEmis | 32-bit floating-point | Cloud (= 2) * HingeCloud (= 7) | Cloud IR emissivity (in order of increasing pressure. Only first numCloud elements are valid) (in order of increasing frequency. Only first numHingeCloud elements are valid) |
CldRho | 32-bit floating-point | Cloud (= 2) * HingeCloud (= 7) | Cloud IR reflectivity (in order of increasing pressure. Only first numCloud elements are valid) (in order of increasing frequency. Only first numHingeCloud elements are valid) |
CldEmisErr | 32-bit floating-point | Cloud (= 2) * HingeCloud (= 7) | Error estimate for CldEmis |
CldRhoErr | 32-bit floating-point | Cloud (= 2) * HingeCloud (= 7) | Error estimate for CldRho |
CldMapVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) * VisTrack (= 9) * VisXTrack (= 8) | Map of clear/cloud pixel locations. (-1 = not known; 0 = clear; 1 = cloudy) |
CldFrcVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Integer percentage of Visible pixels in AIRS field-of-view identified as cloudy (-1/255 for unknown) |
CldFrcVisErr | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Error Estimate for CldFrcVis (percentage points) |
ClrFrcVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Integer percentage of Visible pixels in AIRS field-of-view identified as clear. (-1/255 for unknown) NOTE: because some pixels cannot be identified as either clear or cloudy CldFrcVis + ClrFrcVis may be less than 100. |
ClrFrcVisErr | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Error Estimate for ClrFrcVis (percentage points) |
VarIndxAllVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Variability index of all visible pixels in AIRS field-of-view (-1/255 for unknown) |
VarIndxAllVisErr | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Error estimate for VarIndxAllVis |
VarIndxClrVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Variability index of those visible pixels in AIRS field-of-view identified as clear (-1/255 for unknown) |
VarIndxClrVisErr | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Error estimate for VarIndxClrVis |
rhoVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) * VisTrack (= 9) * VisXTrack (= 8) * VChn (= 4) | Visible reflectivity integer percent (0 ... 100) (-1/255 for unknown) |
fov_clear_flag | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Preliminary clear flag based on MW/IR differences |
fov_rad_resid | 32-bit floating-point | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Preliminary residual between IR radiance and IR radiance predicted from MW |
prelim_clear_flag | 8-bit integer | None | Preliminary clear flag based on IR spacial inhomgeneity |
prelim_rad_dev | 32-bit floating-point | None | Preliminary deviations between fov_rad_resids within a 3x3 FOV retrieval array |
cldHgtMapVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) * VisTrack (= 9) * VisXTrack (= 8) | Map of low-cloud pixel locations. (-1=unknown, 0=not low-cloud, 1=low-cloud.) |
cldHgtCntVis | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Count of number of distinct cloud heights in visible data found in an AIRS field-of-view (-1/255 for unknown) |
cldHgtCntVisErr | 8-bit integer | AIRSTrack (= 3) * AIRSXTrack (= 3) | Error estimate for cldHgtCntVis |
TAirMWOnly | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLev (= 100) | Air temperature in Kelvins from microwave-only retrieval |
H2OCDMWOnly | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Layer column water vapor from microwave-only retrieval (molecules / cm**2) |
sfcTbMWOnlyErr | 32-bit floating-point | MWHingeSurf (= 7) | Error estimate for sfcTbMWOnly. |
TAirMWOnlyErr | 32-bit floating-point | StdPressureLev (= 28) | Error estimate for TAirMWOnly (Note that error estimate only made at StdPressureLev points even though TAirMWOnly is estimated at XtraPressureLev points) |
H2OCDMWOnlyErr | 32-bit floating-point | StdPressureLay (= 28) | Error estimate for H2OCDMWOnly (Note that error estimate only made at StdPressureLay points even though H2OCDMWOnly is estimated at XtraPressureLay points) |
TSurf1Ret | 32-bit floating-point | None | Surface temperature after first retrieval in Kelvins |
TSurfAir1Ret | 32-bit floating-point | None | Surface air temperature after first retrieval in Kelvins |
TAir1Ret | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLev (= 100) | Air temperature after first retrieval in Kelvins |
H2OCD1Ret | 32-bit floating-point | XtraPressureLay (= 100) | Layer column water vapor after first retrieval (kg / m**2) |
invalid | 8-bit integer | None | No valid output (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
clear_flag | 8-bit integer | None | 1 for 100% clear, 0 for <100% clear, -1/255 for unknown |
MW_ret_used | 8-bit integer | None | MW-only final retrieval used (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
retrieval_type | 8-bit integer | None | Retrieval type: 0 for full retrieval; 10 for MW + final succeeded, initial retrieval failed; 20 for MW + initial succeeded, final failed; 30 for only MW stage succeeded, initial + final retrieval failed; 40 for MW + initial succeeded, final cloud-clearing failed; 50 for only MW stage succeeded, initial + final cloud-clearing failed; 100 for no retrieval; |
bad_l1b | 8-bit integer | None | Level 2 process not allowed due to bad level 1b data (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_l1b_amsu | 8-bit integer | None | Bad AMSU-A level 1b data (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_l1b_hsb | 8-bit integer | None | Bad HSB level 1b data (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_l1b_airs | 8-bit integer | None | Bad AIRS level 1b data (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_l1b_vis | 8-bit integer | None | Bad VIS level 1b data (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
forecast | 8-bit integer | None | Complete forecast guess was used (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
no_psurf_guess | 8-bit integer | None | No surface pressure was available. Topography was used for surf press (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_temps | 8-bit integer | None | invalid temp and surface skin temp (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_h2o | 8-bit integer | None | invalid water vapor profile (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_o3 | 8-bit integer | None | invalid ozone profile (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_clouds | 8-bit integer | None | invalid cloud parameters (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_low_atm | 8-bit integer | None | invalid result below 100 mb (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
no_tuning | 8-bit integer | None | Standard br temp tuning NOT applied (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
no_ang_corr | 8-bit integer | None | Standard angle correction NOT applied (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
no_mw | 8-bit integer | None | MW only retrieval not attempted (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
no_initial | 8-bit integer | None | First retrieval not attempted (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
no_final | 8-bit integer | None | Final retrieval not attempted (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
mw_fpe | 8-bit integer | None | floating-point exception in MW retrieval step (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
initial_fpe | 8-bit integer | None | floating-point exception in Initial retrieval step (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
final_fpe | 8-bit integer | None | floating-point exception in Final retrieval step (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
MWPrecip | 8-bit integer | None | Precipitation was detected over 0.5 mm/hr (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
MWsurf_R0 | 32-bit floating-point | None | internal adjustment parameter -- surface R0 |
MWsurf_T0 | 32-bit floating-point | None | internal adjustment parameter -- surface T0 |
MWsurf_Tinf | 32-bit floating-point | None | internal adjustment parameter -- surface Tinfinity |
MWseaice_conc | 32-bit floating-point | None | ice or snow concentration (0-1) |
MWresidual_temp | 32-bit floating-point | None | sum of squares of temperature residuals normalized by channel sensitivities |
MWresidual_mois | 32-bit floating-point | None | sum of squares of moisture residuals normalized by channel sensitivities |
MWresidual_AMSUA | 32-bit floating-point | ChanAMSUA (= 15) | Brightness temperature residual for each AMSU-A channel (Kelvin) |
MWresidual_HSB | 32-bit floating-point | ChanHSB (= 5) | brightness temperature residual for each HSB channel (Kelvin) |
MWiter_temp | 8-bit integer | None | # of iterations of the temperature profile (-1/255 for Unknown) |
MWiter_mois | 8-bit integer | None | # of iterations of the moisture profile (-1/255 for Unknown) |
mw_ret_code | 8-bit integer | None | Return code status of MW retrieval: 0: Useable MW retrieval; >0: Unuseable MW retrieval; 1: Reject due to high residuals in one or more valid channels; 2 Not enough valid channels to retrieve; 3 Non-positive definite moisture/surface retrieval; 4 Non-positive definite temperature retrieval; -1/255 Unknown |
cloud_ice | 8-bit integer | None | Scattering by cloud ice present in FOV (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
icc_too_cloudy | 8-bit integer | None | Initial cloud clearing pass too cloudy (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
icc_low_contrast | 8-bit integer | None | Initial cloud clearing pass contrast too low (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
icc_bad_rad | 8-bit integer | None | Initial cloud clearing pass cloud cleared radiances don't match clear guess - reject the IR retrieval (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
icc_percent_cld | 8-bit integer | None | Initial cloud clearing cloudy percent (-1/255 for Unknown) |
icc_contrast | 32-bit floating-point | None | Initial cloud clearing contrast (units?) |
bad_1st | 8-bit integer | None | The initial retrieval failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_1st_cc | 8-bit integer | None | The first cloud clearing failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_1st_regres | 8-bit integer | None | The regression guess failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_1st_phys | 8-bit integer | None | The first physical retrieval failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
fcc_too_cloudy | 8-bit integer | None | Final cloud clearing pass too cloudy (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
fcc_low_contrast | 8-bit integer | None | Final cloud clearing pass contrast too low (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
fcc_bad_rad | 8-bit integer | None | Final cloud clearing pass cloud cleared radiances don't match clear guess - reject the IR retrieval (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
fcc_percent_cld1 | 8-bit integer | None | Final cloud clearing cloudy percent pass 1 (-1/255 for Unknown) |
fcc_percent_cld2 | 8-bit integer | None | Final cloud clearing cloudy percent pass 2 (-1/255 for Unknown) |
fcc_contrast1 | 32-bit floating-point | None | Final cloud clearing contrast (units?) pass 1 |
fcc_contrast2 | 32-bit floating-point | None | Final cloud clearing contrast (units?) pass 2 |
bad_final | 8-bit integer | None | Final retrieval failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_final_cc | 8-bit integer | None | final cloud clearing failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_final_ir | 8-bit integer | None | final IR retrieval failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_final_surf | 8-bit integer | None | final surface ret failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_final_temp | 8-bit integer | None | final temp ret failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_final_h2o | 8-bit integer | None | final water vapor ret failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_final_o3 | 8-bit integer | None | final ozone ret failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_final_cloud | 8-bit integer | None | final cloud ret failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_cc_cld_ret | 8-bit integer | None | Cloud clearing and cloud ret are inconsistent (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
MW_IR_ret_differ | 8-bit integer | None | Microwave and IR temperature retrieval differ too much - reject final IR retrieval (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_MW_low_resid | 8-bit integer | None | Microwave residuals in lower atmosphere too large - reject final IR retrieval (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
MW_low_atm_resid | 32-bit floating-point | None | MW residual for lower atmosphere after final retrieval |
final_AMSU_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_HSB_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_cloud_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_surf_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_temp_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_h2o_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_o3_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_ch4_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_co_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
final_co2_ret | 8-bit integer | None | 0 for success; 1 for did not converge; 2 for residual too large |
low_sun | 8-bit integer | None | solar zenith angle > 60 degrees (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
wide_ang | 8-bit integer | None | viewing angle at center of AIRS spot > 50 degrees (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
vis_glint | 8-bit integer | None | Sun glint condition (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_vis_rad | 8-bit integer | None | Vis/NIR radiance out of range (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_vis_cal | 8-bit integer | None | Vis/NIR calibration data old or invalid (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_vis_det_temp | 8-bit integer | None | Vis/NIR Detector temperature out of range (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_scan_hd_temp | 8-bit integer | None | Scan Head Assembly temperature out of range (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_vis_cld_det | 8-bit integer | None | Cloud detection failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_vis_cld_hgt | 8-bit integer | None | Cloud height failed (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_ref_NDVI | 8-bit integer | None | Bad reference Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
bad_vis_var | 8-bit integer | None | Variability index invalid (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
vis_clear | 8-bit integer | None | at least 98% of FOV is Clear sky (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
vis_cloudy | 8-bit integer | None | Clouds in at leat 80% of Vis/NIR pixels of FOV (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
vis_low_cloud | 8-bit integer | None | Low Clouds in at leat 80% of Vis/NIR pixels of FOV (1: True, 0: False, 255/-1: Unknown) |
Initial_CC_score | 32-bit floating-point | None | Indicator of how well the initial cloud-cleared radiances match radiances reconstructed from clear eigenvectors. (0.0 for a perfect match; <3.0 for a pretty good match; >10.0 indicates a major problem) |
Initial_CC_subscores | 32-bit floating-point | ScoresBand (= 10) | Sub-scores contributing to Initial_CC_score, by frequency band |
Limited Engineering Struct: This type is used for engineering data fields for which there are known "yellow" limits
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
min | 32-bit floating-point | Minimum value field takes on in granule (not valid when num_in = 0) |
max | 32-bit floating-point | Maximum value field takes on in granule (not valid when num_in = 0) |
mean | 32-bit floating-point | Mean of in-range values field takes on in granule (not valid when num_in = 0) |
dev | 32-bit floating-point | Standard Deviation of in-range values field takes on in granule (not valid when num_in = 0) |
num_in | 32-bit integer | Count of in-range values field takes on in granule |
num_lo | 32-bit integer | Count of out-of-range low values field takes on in granule |
num_hi | 32-bit integer | Count of out-of-range high values field takes on in granule |
num_bad | 32-bit integer | Count of occassions on which field takes on invalid flag value (-9999) in granule |
range_min | 32-bit floating-point | Minimum in-range value. Any value less than this is counted in num_lo and is not used in the calculation of mean & dev. |
range_max | 32-bit floating-point | Maximum in-range value. Any value greater than this is counted in num_hi and is not used in the calculation of mean & dev. |
missing | 8-bit integer | Missing limits flags. Bit 0 (LSB) is 1 when yellow low (range_min) limit is missing; Bit 1 is high when yellow high (range_max) limit is missing; other bits unused, set to 0. |
max_track | 32-bit integer | GeoTrack index (counting from 1) where max was found |
max_xtrack | 32-bit integer | GeoXTrack index (counting from 1) where max was found |
min_track | 32-bit integer | GeoTrack index (counting from 1) where min was found |
min_xtrack | 32-bit integer | GeoXTrack index (counting from 1) where min was found |
Unlimited Engineering Struct: This type is used for engineering data fields for which there are NOT known "yellow" limits
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
min | 32-bit floating-point | Minimum value field takes on in granule (not valid when num = 0) |
max | 32-bit floating-point | Maximum value field takes on in granule (not valid when num = 0) |
mean | 32-bit floating-point | Mean of values field takes on in granule (not valid when num = 0) |
dev | 32-bit floating-point | Standard Deviation of values field takes on in granule (not valid when num = 0) |
num | 32-bit integer | Count of occurrences of field in granule (not including those counted in num_bad) |
num_bad | 32-bit integer | Count of occassions on which field takes on invalid flag value (-9999) in granule |
max_track | 32-bit integer | GeoTrack index (counting from 1) where max was found |
max_xtrack | 32-bit integer | GeoXTrack index (counting from 1) where max was found |
min_track | 32-bit integer | GeoTrack index (counting from 1) where min was found |
min_xtrack | 32-bit integer | GeoXTrack index (counting from 1) where min was found |