Swath Name = "L2_Ret_Browse_Subset"
Level = "level2"
# Footprints = 30
# scanlines per scanset = 1
The names "GeoTrack" and "GeoXTrack" have a special meaning for this document: "Cross-Track" data fields have a hidden dimension of "GeoXTrack"; "Along-Track" data fields have a hidden dimension of "GeoTrack"; "Full Swath Data Fields have hidden dimensions of both "GeoTrack" and "GeoXTrack".
Name | Value | Explanation |
GeoXTrack | 30 | Dimension across track for footprint positions. Same as number of footprints per scanline. |
GeoTrack | # of scan lines in swath | Dimension along track for footprint positions. Same as number of scanlines in granule. (Nominally 45 for Level-2, AMSU, and AIRS/Vis low-rate engineering; 135 for AIRS/Vis and HSB high-rate quantities) |
Name | Explanation |
Latitude | Footprint boresight Latitude in degrees North (-90.0 ... 90.0) |
Longitude | Footprint boresight Longitude in degrees East (-180.0 ... 180.0) |
Time | Footprint "shutter" TAI Time: floating-point elapsed seconds since Jan 1, 1993 |
Name | Type | Extra Dimensions | Explanation |
scan_node_type | 8-bit integer | None | 'A' for ascending, 'D' for descending, 'N' for North-Polar, 'S' for South-Polar |
Name | Type | Extra Dimensions | Explanation |
scanang | 32-bit floating-point | None | Scanning angle of AIRS instrument for this footprint (-180.0 ... 180.0) |
MW_quality_flag | 8-bit integer | None | QA on Level-2 Microwave-only retrieval: Bit 7 (MSB): The MW only retrieval failed; Bit 6: The MW only surface ret failed; Bit 5: The MW only temp ret failed; Bit 4: The MW only water vapor ret failed; Bit 3: Precipitation present in FOV; Bit 2: Cloud ice present in FOV; Bit 1: Zero fill, spare; Bit 0 (LSB): Bit OR of above seven bits |
AIRS_quality_flag | 8-bit integer | None | QA on Level-2 Final retrieval: Bit 7 (MSB): The Final retrieval failed; Bit 6: The final cloud clearing failed; Bit 5: The final surface ret failed; Bit 4: The final temp ret failed; Bit 3: The final water vapor ret failed; Bit 2: The final ozone ret failed; Bit 1: The final cloud ret failed; Bit 0 (LSB): Cloud clearing and cloud ret are inconsistent |
AIRS_Cloud_Pct1 | 32-bit floating-point | None | Cloud fraction for first (top) cloud layer (0.0 ... 1.0) |
AIRS_Cloud_Pct2 | 32-bit floating-point | None | Cloud fraction for second (bottom) cloud layer (0.0 ... 1.0) |
AIRS_nCloudLayers | 32-bit integer | None | Number of cloud layers |
SST_Retrieved | 32-bit floating-point | None | Surface skin temperature in Kelvins |
Tot_WaterVapor_Burden_Ret | 32-bit floating-point | None | Total water (kg / m**2) |
Tot_LiqWater_Burden_Ret | 32-bit floating-point | None | Total liquid water (kg / m**2) |
Total_O3_Burden_Retrieved | 32-bit floating-point | None | Total ozone (Dobson units) |
MW_FirstGuess_Tot_Liq_H2O | 32-bit floating-point | None | Total liquid water from microwave-only retrieval (kg / m**2) |
MW_Rain_Rate | 32-bit floating-point | None | Rain rate (mm/hr) |
VIS_Pct_Clear | 8-bit integer | None | Percent area identified as clear by the Vis/NIR Level 2 cloud detection algorithm |
VIS_Var_Index | 8-bit integer | None | Variability index of visible pixels (standard deviation of AIRS Vegetation Index, expressed as a percent of the mean vegetation index) |