L2_Ret_Browse_Subset Interface Specification

Interface Specification Version

June 4, 2001

Swath Name = "L2_Ret_Browse_Subset"

Level = "level2"

# Footprints = 30

# scanlines per scanset = 1


These fields define all dimensions that can be used for HDF-EOS swath fields.

The names "GeoTrack" and "GeoXTrack" have a special meaning for this document: "Cross-Track" data fields have a hidden dimension of "GeoXTrack"; "Along-Track" data fields have a hidden dimension of "GeoTrack"; "Full Swath Data Fields have hidden dimensions of both "GeoTrack" and "GeoXTrack".

Name Value Explanation
GeoXTrack 30 Dimension across track for footprint positions. Same as number of footprints per scanline.
GeoTrack # of scan lines in swath Dimension along track for footprint positions. Same as number of scanlines in granule. (Nominally 45 for Level-2, AMSU, and AIRS/Vis low-rate engineering; 135 for AIRS/Vis and HSB high-rate quantities)

Geolocation Fields

These fields appear for every footprint (GeoTrack * GeoXTrack times) and correspond to footprint center coordinates and "shutter" time.

Name Explanation
Latitude Footprint boresight Latitude in degrees North (-90.0 ... 90.0)
Longitude Footprint boresight Longitude in degrees East (-180.0 ... 180.0)
Time Footprint "shutter" TAI Time: floating-point elapsed seconds since Jan 1, 1993
Size: 32400 bytes (0.0 MB) per 45-scanset granule

Along-Track Data Fields

These fields appear once per scanline (GeoTrack times)

Name Type Extra Dimensions Explanation
scan_node_type 8-bit integer None 'A' for ascending, 'D' for descending, 'N' for North-Polar, 'S' for South-Polar
Size: 45 bytes (0.0 MB) per 45-scanset granule

Full Swath Data Fields

These fields appear for every footprint of every scanline in the granule (GeoTrack * GeoXTrack times)

Name Type Extra Dimensions Explanation
scanang 32-bit floating-point None Scanning angle of AIRS instrument for this footprint (-180.0 ... 180.0)
MW_quality_flag 8-bit integer None QA on Level-2 Microwave-only retrieval: Bit 7 (MSB): The MW only retrieval failed; Bit 6: The MW only surface ret failed; Bit 5: The MW only temp ret failed; Bit 4: The MW only water vapor ret failed; Bit 3: Precipitation present in FOV; Bit 2: Cloud ice present in FOV; Bit 1: Zero fill, spare; Bit 0 (LSB): Bit OR of above seven bits
AIRS_quality_flag 8-bit integer None QA on Level-2 Final retrieval: Bit 7 (MSB): The Final retrieval failed; Bit 6: The final cloud clearing failed; Bit 5: The final surface ret failed; Bit 4: The final temp ret failed; Bit 3: The final water vapor ret failed; Bit 2: The final ozone ret failed; Bit 1: The final cloud ret failed; Bit 0 (LSB): Cloud clearing and cloud ret are inconsistent
AIRS_Cloud_Pct1 32-bit floating-point None Cloud fraction for first (top) cloud layer (0.0 ... 1.0)
AIRS_Cloud_Pct2 32-bit floating-point None Cloud fraction for second (bottom) cloud layer (0.0 ... 1.0)
AIRS_nCloudLayers 32-bit integer None Number of cloud layers
SST_Retrieved 32-bit floating-point None Surface skin temperature in Kelvins
Tot_WaterVapor_Burden_Ret 32-bit floating-point None Total water (kg / m**2)
Tot_LiqWater_Burden_Ret 32-bit floating-point None Total liquid water (kg / m**2)
Total_O3_Burden_Retrieved 32-bit floating-point None Total ozone (Dobson units)
MW_FirstGuess_Tot_Liq_H2O 32-bit floating-point None Total liquid water from microwave-only retrieval (kg / m**2)
MW_Rain_Rate 32-bit floating-point None Rain rate (mm/hr)
VIS_Pct_Clear 8-bit integer None Percent area identified as clear by the Vis/NIR Level 2 cloud detection algorithm
VIS_Var_Index 8-bit integer None Variability index of visible pixels (standard deviation of AIRS Vegetation Index, expressed as a percent of the mean vegetation index)
Size: 59400 bytes (0.1 MB) per 45-scanset granule

Total File Size (plus storage for dimensions and other HDF-EOS overhead): 91845 bytes (0.1 MB) per 45-scanset granule = 22.0 MB per day